Explore Brussels Christmas market - The President Brussels Hotel - Unique Hotel in Brussels - Hotel in Belgium

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  /  news   /  Explore Brussels Christmas market

Explore Brussels Christmas market

The 2023 Brussels Christmas Market offers a vibrant and festive experience for five weeks, starting on November 24 and ending on December 31. This event, known as Brussels Winter Wonders, transforms the city’s cobbled streets and charming squares into a winter wonderland. Spanning 2 km, it features a delightful mix of market chalets covered in snow, lively bars, and temporary eateries.

Explore the Brussels Christmas market for those last-minute gifts, enjoy panoramic views from the Ferris wheel, or have fun on the carousel, all while indulging in the aromatic mix of waffles and glühwein in the cool air.

The market is centered around Grand-Place, Bourse, Place Sainte-Catherine, and Marché aux Poissons.

(image: The Brussels Times)

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